Five Ways Notjustevent is Transforming Collaboration in Event Planning

Events are one of the most explored experiences in our human existence. It has sustainably been a tool for social connection, agenda propagation, and work communication amongst other numerous reasons to get together. Many times, we seem to overlook our need to ease the process of integration that leads to a successful event.

The hinges that hold together the upholstery of an event whether glamorous, or a basic team bonding may be enormous to consider and even overwhelming, and this explains why event organizers insist on enlisting the right event planners for their events.

Although Notjustevent covers all the necessary parts that make a successful event by integrating event organizers, event planners, vendors, venues and attendees on one platform for seamless planning, there are still other advantages of this integration, beyond the overall success of an event.

According to in the article, Capturing the Elusive Benefits Of Collaboration, multitasking is not physically possible, but many of us think of it as a professional survival strategy. “We know that collaboration is a critical competitive advantage in today’s economy – there is simply too much complexity and change for individual expertise to be sufficient”.

Notjustevent provides an avenue for collaboration between all the parties involved in creating an event. The essence of this collaboration can be harnessed in these five ways.

Overall Event Integration

Notjustevent provides planning efficiency by bringing together all parties, which include event organizers, event planners, vendors, venues and attendees to collaborate effectively in creating a memorable event. 

All parties can seamlessly sign up, enlist their services or requests and view in real-time, the success rate of their event or requests even before the date. 

An organizer can visualize the success of an event when the vendors have been booked, the venue has been secured, and the attendees are registering via their devices.

Seamless Interaction

The social integration on Notjustevent provides an avenue for vendors, organizers, and attendees to connect, share experiences, and enhance the overall event community through integrated social media features. 

The advantage of this platform is the delegation of event planning interaction to a specific place, away from other personal interaction spaces. This exclusivity ensures an organized way of communicating with the parties involved in making an event a reality. 

Also, social integration fosters collaboration between attendees and event organizers which may in turn elevate an attendee to becoming a volunteer since they can easily reach and interact with the organizers in an avenue of shared purpose.

Vendor to Vendor Collaboration

Collaboration and co-creation are essential in fostering business growth, especially between vendors. Nobody has a monopoly of ideas. Vendors can interact on Notjustevent to strengthen their expertise by learning from each other. 

Collaboration is highly beneficial, especially to vendors in the same industry or business. There are avenues to share information and ideas between all parties. 

Event planners may even decide to enlist more than one vendor providing the same service especially if the volume of work is enormous. An event planner may need more than one food vendor, baker or fashion designer to provide their services for an event. The vendors can then meet, interact and share ideas that can boost the execution and create a memorable event.

Shared Passion

Networking is one of the major reasons people attend events. Attendees can interact even before events on shared passion, goals and objectives. This is made possible by the social integration on the Notjustevent platform. 

Event attendees can find a sense of connection between themselves and a sense of belonging in knowing that they are not alone, many other persons would be attending an event alongside them. This connection is deeply empowering and can motivate more people to attend events. 

Also, the event registration feature on Notjustevent saves organizers the task of registering attendees at the event venues or having a physical attendance list to keep tabs on attendees’ information.

Venue Recommendation

The essence of event planning is to achieve a successful event. Venue hosts can recommend other venues on the platform if their venues are not adequate for what the event requires, although event planners can view the details of the venues, including the size. 

Collaboration is the future of successful event planning. Notjustevent provides the synergy between organizers, planners, vendors, venue hosts and attendees, required for a successful event, making the planning process seamless and interesting. Get more information on Notjustevent at and join the waitlist.


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